Nikita Gale’s video White Peacock was inspired by an auspicious visitation in California at New Years. The artist had never imagined seeing a white peacock in regular daily city life, and yet there he was in the carport, exactly as Toni Morrison described him. The white peacock (or, more accurately, the white peafowl with the genetic mutation known as leucism), mysterious, otherworldly, and yet wholly specific and present comes with a message, dancing his impossible plumage among the concrete. With original audio soundtrack by the artist, an augury of sound and sense emerges in collaboration across species. Click HERE to view video.
Nikita Gale is an artist living and working in Los Angeles, California. Gale holds a BA in Anthropology with an emphasis in Archaeological Studies from Yale University and earned an MFA in New Genres at UCLA. Nikita’s work has recently been exhibited at MoMA PS1 (New York); LACE (Los Angeles); Commonwealth and Council (Los Angeles); Matthew Marks Gallery (Los Angeles); The Studio Museum in Harlem (New York); Rodeo Gallery (London); Ceysson & Benetiere (Paris); and in “Made in L.A. 2018” at the Hammer Museum (Los Angeles). Gale’s work has appeared in numerous publications including The New York Times, Artforum, Art in America, Art21, AQNB, Frieze, Vogue, and Flash Art. Nikita currently serves on the Board of Directors for GREX, the west coast affiliate of the AK Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems.